I got a SanDisk Cruzer Blade 32GB damaged that was only read about 400KB from Windows 11.

My solution for repairing this USB stick is using cmd command, “diskpart”. The steps and screenshots are listed as follows:
Step 1: Open command prompt as administrator

Step 2: Type “diskpart”

Step 3: Type “list disk”

Step 4: Select the driver to format by typing “select disk x”, x represents the disk number

Step 5: Type “clean” to completely wipe out data from the USB

Step 6: Type “create partition primary”

Step 7: Type “format fs=ntfs” to format the drive. Also, you may format the drive with fat or exfat.

Step 8: Type “assign” to assign a drive letter

These commands can be used to format any driver, such as HDD or portable HDD.