Painting Question

In order to estimate the cost of painting a house, a painter needs to know the surface area of the exterior. Develop an algorithm for computing that value. Your inputs are the width, length, and height of the house, the number of windows and doors, and their dimensions. (Assume the windows and doors have a…

Bank Account Question

Write an algorithm to settle the following question: A bank account starts out with $10,000. Interest is compounded monthly at 0.5 per cent per month. Every month, $500 is withdrawn to meet college expenses. After how many years is the account depleted? State the current bank statement total is $10,000 State the monthly rate is…

Create a virtual environment for a Python project

A virtual environment is created on top of an existing Python installation, known as the virtual environment’s “base” Python. It may optionally be isolated from the packages in the base environment, so only those explicitly installed in the virtual environment are available. A virtual environment is Running this command creates the target directory Command to…

How to get remote from Yahoo Finance

According to the “datareader” official site, to access the remote Yahoo Finance Data, it is suggested to use the following code: These codes will pop up an error message: “TypeError: string indices must be integers”. Here is a solution to help you to get the Yahoo Finance remote data. At first, install yfinance by Then,…

Bash: Reading Input

The read command is a builtin command that reads from the standard input. By default, it reads until a newline is received. The input is stored in one or more variables given as arguments: read var If more than one variable is given, the first word (the input up to the first space or tab)…