How To Install Visual Studio Code on Kali Linux

Install Visual Studio Code on Kali Linux by using the official ATP repository. At first, update the system and install the package below. sudo apt update sudo apt install curl gpg gnupg2 software-properties-common apt-transport-https Import Microsoft GPG key to the Kali Linux curl | gpg –dearmor > microsoft.gpg sudo install -o root -g root…

Part 2 Establishing a Business and the Balance Sheet

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Determine the effects of business activities Nature of Business Transactions Business activities that affect the accounting equation are called transactions. Transactions include two types of activities or events, external events and internal events. External events are measurable exchanges between the business and others – exchanges of assets and services from one entity for…

Part 1 The Role of Accounting in Starting a Business

LO1 Categorise business types and organisational forms. LO2 Describe accounting and its role in business decisions. LO3 Identify users of financial information. LO4 Describe the fundamental accounting equation and elements of financial. LO5 Explain the structure of basic financial statements. LO6 Understand the importance of ethical decisions in financial reporting and business 1. Business Types…

Linux Filesystem Structure

The Linux filesystem, just as the Unix filesystem before it, has a common layout. No matter how many disks you have installed in your system, everything will fall under / (the root folder). The common directories you will see in a Linux system are as follows: /bin Commands/binary files that have to be available when…

MySQL Foreign Key Referential Actions

Referential Actions When an UPDATE or DELETE operation affects a key value in the parent table that has matching rows in the child table, the result depends on the referential action specified by ON UPDATE and ON DELETE subclauses of the FOREIGN KEY clause. Referential actions include: CASCADE: Delete or update the row from the parent table and automatically delete or update the matching rows in the…

Bash: Reading Input

The read command is a builtin command that reads from the standard input. By default, it reads until a newline is received. The input is stored in one or more variables given as arguments: read var If more than one variable is given, the first word (the input up to the first space or tab)…

Bash: Printf

printf: formatting and printing data printf FORMAT ARG … The FORMAT string can contain ordinary characters, escape sequences, and format specifiers. Ordinary characters are printed unchanged to the standard output. Escape sequences are converted to the characters they represent. Format specifiers are replaced with arguments from the command line. Escape sequences are single letters preceded…